Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cookie Brownie

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and take out a cookie sheet: does not need to be greased or sprayed.

Step 1: Make or buy some regular, simple, chocolate chip cookie dough, and make one or two inch balls of dough. Use the back of a spoon to flatten the cookie dough like a pancake.

Step 2: Take an already cooked and cooled brownie and break into one inch balls, flatten with spoon, and place on top of the cookie dough.

Step 3: Repeat step one placing the newest flat cookie dough circles on top of the brownie circles.

Step 4: Slightly pinch edges of the cookie dough on the bottom and top of the brownie sealing the brownie inside.

Step 5: Place cookie/brownies on cookie sheet and place in oven for at least 8 minutes.


Monday, November 17, 2014

Sweet Raspberries

During the summertime I spend most of my days outside enjoying the beautiful weather and then hot sun. With that beautiful weather and the hot sun brings perfect growing season for plants. At my house we have wild raspberries growing in the bushes. Here is a very, very, very simple recipe to make wild raspberries even sweeter. Collect about 1 cup of raspberries and after washing them free of bugs dirt etc. place them in a bowl with about a tablespoon or so of granulated sugar. Mix well and serve plain or on top of vanilla ice-cream. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween Bark

Halloween Bark is...

An easy delicious dessert to 
thrill your Halloween guests.

Step 1: Chop the desired amount of candy corn, pretzels, and Oreos.

Step 2: Melt white chocolate and spread all over candies.

Step 3: Freeze and enjoy!
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